domenica 25 novembre 2007


Youtube is one of the most popular websites on the internet today, users from all over the world can upload their own videos and invite others to comment on them. Whilst some people do use YouTube in the manner for which it was intended, uploading informative and sometimes funny articles of their own creation, the majority of people only use it to watch music videos or episodes of TV shows. There has been many news stories in the press recently about the possibility of major record companies taking the YouTube owners to court for breach of Copyright.

In my opinion YouTube can be useful for us as a tool for learning English as there are many clips and indeed entire episodes of popular TV programmes avaliable to view. One of my favorite finds on YouTube has been the American comedy show Scrubs. There is a clip of the show above and if you like it you can also view entire episodes on YouTube which is great even if it is technically a breach of copyright!

Hope u'll like it!
See u!

5 commenti:

Eva ha detto...

Hi Valentina!

I hadn't actually thought of the possibility of watching TV series or serials until you pointed it out. I must say you're right: it's funny and you can practice your listening. You're even more motivated to learn, because it's something you do to have fun. When I have time I'll look for a series and watch an episode or two!

Elisa rossi ha detto...

Hi Vale! I had never thought to the possibility to watch TV episodes on youtube! Thank you for this idea! Probably in this sense it is useful to use youtube as language learning mean because you practice your listening skills having fun! I will try!!

Giovanna S. ha detto...

Hi Vale!

How are you?

You wrote about a very interesting topic: copyright. I agree with you: many video clips available on YouTube do infringe copyright. Anyway, I didn’t understand from your post if you think that those videos should be deleted. What do you think about copyright and YouTube videos? I’m not well informed about this subject and I really don’t know if all pieces of documentaries, sitcoms, movies are uploaded illegally. Do you know copyright rules?

I see you posted a video about ‘Scrubs’. I’m going to watch it because I like this sitcom very much! You chose a funny video, and I think that videos like this one can be helpful to improve listening. We should watch interesting videos in English and learn from them. That’s possible thanks to YouTube.

In the comment on my post you wrote that you could lose a lot of time if you don’t know clearly what to search for. You’re right, but if you write the right keyword (this is not so difficult), you can find whatever you want without wasting time. YouTube contains millions of videos, and even though there are many stupid videos, you can surely find what you're interested in. For example, you can find videos addressed to ESL/EFL learners.

In your comment you also wrote me that I’m positive about YouTube. That’s because I love finding more and more useful sources for my English learning. We should appreciate all the tools we have, and if we don’t like these tools, we should try to improve them. We are the authors of Web 2.0!Don't you think so?

See you!


Fred ha detto...

Hey, you made me think a lot with your post. I never thought about YouTube as a site against the law. Actually, I don't know copyright rules so much (apart from those regarding the books that I read everytime I get closer to a copymachine at the Maldura!), but you're right: most of the videos there do not follow copyright rules. So we should pay to watch the videos in youtube?? Well, I hope to find out more about this. Sorry for my sort of monologue... ;-) see you! Fred

alicev ha detto...

Hi Vale,

I believe you spotted the main (or almost)reason why people drop into YouTube: to find musical videos... :-) That's what I did too the first time I opened YouTube's homepage...
However now I'm trying to exploit it to find interesting videos related to our English e-tivities... But I must say I found more useful videos related to my personal interests... ;-)
Maybe I should look for them again or improve my searches... Did you find anything engaging?

It was good indeeed your hint about scrubs... ;-)

See you soon,