Discovering del.icio.us was a good experience. Here it is..another useful tool to help us when searching and travelling the blogosphere. The del.icio.us system offers a great opportunity for bloggers and internet users in general, enabling them to store and share interesting web pages.
I've enjoyed searching for webpages to add to my bookmarks, it's like creating our own online bookshelf, it's a kind of virtual place where we keep all the things we think are useful, it's like having a virtual desk full of papers and things to read, and the good thing is that you can carry it everywhere...'cause it's virtual...it's there somewhere..you can't touch it..but just log on onto del.icio.us and there you are..your virtual store is ready to be used..isn't it great!?
1 commento:
HI Vale!
I noticed that we have one bookmark in common i.e. the ReadPrint. Isn't it a great website? It's so neat and tidy! There are so many web pages that are so full of information, colors, links that you hardly manage to find what you are looking for. If the layout and the colors of a certain website produce a messy effect I don't waste time exploring it; I rather carry on with searching for a more suitable and well-organized page. And ReadPrint is really one of those sites that enables you to get to information you need quickly and without hassle. If only all the sites were so clear!
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