After spending a couple of hours on bloglines i must say I'm still quite confused...even if the video from youtube was really well done, really helpful! I had to follow it step by step but at the end it was successful!!If I get it right I think bloglines could be a very useful tool to save our time when searching for new comments or new posts...it is good indeed because it also allows you to keep it all visible in the same webpage, which is a great thing!
I just hope I'll be able to use it soon..eheh!
I just hope I'll be able to use it soon..eheh!
6 commenti:
Wow...I love your picture! It makes me laugh a lot because it expresses your feelings of confusion and a sort of frustration about using a tool like a feed aggregator. That's exactly how I felt when I was asked to start using Bloglines for the first time! I'm sure you will learn how to use it very soon!
Bye, Federico.
Hi Valentina!
I know that it is not easy to learn how to use feed aggregators alone, but I agree with you: it is very useful and easy to use (once you have learnt). I like your picture too! If you need help I can help you with bloglines (for what I know)...don't hesitate to ask!
Bye! Elisa
Hi Valentina!
How are you doing?
Even though you wrote that you’re still confused or worried that you can’t use Bloglines properly, I think you managed to understand how this tool works! Don’t worry if you had to follow the video step by step...I had the same problem. As I can’t attend the lab lessons, I didn’t know how to approach Bloglines, but thanks to the message and the videos posted in our course blog (and also thanks to a friend of mine) I understood that this new technology isn’t difficult to use. You have just to add the feeds of your favourite blogs or sites, and you’ll find the updates of those sites on the same page. As you pointed out very clearly, this tool can save you a lot of time!! Did you also create some playlists? I think it can be helpful because you can divide the feeds into different topics, such as ‘Group J’ or ‘Other blogs’.
I really like the style of your posts. They’re brief and effective, so they always draw my eye! Moreover, the language you use is always informal. Good job! I’d like to warn you against some mistakes you made. You wrote ‘i’ without the capital letter, and you used the verb ‘allow’, which is not correct because of its meaning. You had to use ‘enable’ because ‘allow’ means ‘to permit someone to do something’.
I really hope you’ll find my comment useful!!
See you soon!
Hi Vale,
it happened to me too to run into difficulties while I was managing with some e-tivities, so... don't despair, I believe there's always a way out of such problems!
As I was creating my playlist, I thought that Feeds might be very useful not to waist much time on the internet, for example when you visit a page more times during the same...
What do you think? I believe it could be a good to reason to try and cope the subject again...
Hi Vale!
Yes, it's very unnerving when you spend so much time at the computer and you still don't manage to find out how something works. For that reason I always try to come to the lab, so I don't have to explore this blog universe alone.If you need help, we are here to give you a hand!
Bye bye!
Hey Vale!
Erasmus life in Padua? Well, I don't take part in Erasmus activities very much. Whether because they are always ovrelapping with lessons or because I don't have time. Another thing is that I prefer meeting Italian people, because the main reason I came here for is to improve my Italian. I do have many Erasmus friends as well, because it would be stupid of me not to take advantage of this great opportunity to meet people from other countries. However, I don't want to hang around with them only; I don't want to limit myself to Erasmus people. Because I know many students who, at the return from abroad, didn't know anything about the country they had been to, because they spent time with Erasmus students only.
How was your Erasmus exchange? I hope you'll manage to come to lessons every now and then so we will have the chance to talk a bit about it.
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